Solar PV Module 10W-12V, Polycrystalline with a 3-meter cable

22,00  (Price without VAT: 17,74 €)

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Solar Panel 10W-12V Polycrystalline
This high efficiency solar panel is ideal for charging 12V batteries. It helps prolong their life while maintaining them in good condition.
It is used on off-grid applications such as automotive and farm equipment, lighting/security systems and more.
The solar panel comes with a 4-meter cable, making it even easier to use. You can connect the charger either directly to the battery poles or to the charge controller. Its lightweight and sturdy anodized aluminum frame has holes on the back side, for user-friendlier mounting and installation.
Tip: For maximum efficiency of the solar cells, place the solar panel facing the South.
This solar panel is ideal for 12V applications that require battery maintenance or charging. Its 3-meter cable makes it even easier to connect to either the battery poles directly or a charge controller.
Technical Specifications:
  • Rated Power (Pmax): 10Wp
  • Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 22.3V
  • Maximum Voltage (Vmp): 18.7V
  • Short circuit current (Isc): 0.58A
  • Maximum peak current (Imp): 0.53A
  • Polycrystalline Panel
  • Dimensions : 1.7 x 24 x 29 cm
  • Cable legth: 4 meters
  • Weight : 0.4 kg
  • Warranty: 10 years

Additional information

Weight 1 kg
Operating Voltage


Performance in Watts

1 – 49.99W

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