• Sale! Εύκαμπτος Φωτοβολταϊκός Συλλέκτης 20W - 12V

    Flexible Solar Panel 20W-12V

    Κωδ. HM45020

    Out of stock

    Flexible Solar Panel 20W-12V Suitable for boats, RVs, camping tents and other off grid applications. Portable, lightweight and easy to install. The panel has MC4 connect cables. The pre-drilled holes on the corners of the panel make the mounting process simple. Technical Specifications: Max Power: 20W Voltage at Pmax: 18.68V Current at Pmax: 1.07A Open-circuit…

  • Solar flexible panel 22W – 12V

    Κωδ. HM46022

    In stock

    Solar flexible panel 22W – 12V – 0.97A Designed for use in demanding applications such as the marine and the automotive industry. Ideal for areas where there are space and weight constraints. Vibration resistant You can step on it with rubber shoes. It can be installed on the boat bimini, on the camping tent and…

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    Flexible Solar Panel 30W – 12V

    Κωδ. HM45030

    In stock

    Flexible solar panel 30W – 12V Suitable for RVs, caravans, boats and other applications where there are space and weight constraints. Flexible and thin, easy to carry and install. Great for charging 50Ah – 200Αh batteries. Technical Specifications: Rated power: 30Wp System voltage: 12V Output voltage: 18.20V Max current: 1.64Α Open-circuit current: 23.22V Short-circuit current:…

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    Flexible solar panel 50W – 12V

    Κωδ. HM45052

    In stock

    Flexible solar panel 50W – 12V Suitable for boats, RVs and other demanding pv applications where there are space or weight constraints. . with holes on the 4 corners for easier installation. It has the ability to bend by 10%. With cables for easier installation. Ideal for boat biminis, camping tents and more. It can…

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    Flexible Solar Panel 60W-12V

    Κωδ. HM45060

    In stock

    Flexible Solar Panel 60W-12V Technical Specifications: Rated power: 60Wp System voltage: 12V Output voltage: 18.68V Current: 3.21A Open-circuit voltage: 22.30V Short-circuit current: 3.38A Cable length: 60 cm MC4 connectors Solar cell efficiency: 21% Dimensions: 3 x 345 x 1015 mm Weight: 1,7 kg Certifications: CE, RoHS Waterproof: Yes. IP 65 Warranty: 2 years

  • Solar flexible panel 65W – 12V Slim

    Κωδ. HM46065

    In stock

    Solar flexible panel 65W – 12V Slim The Solar flexible panel 65W – 12V Slim is an excellent fit for boats, RVs, and camping tents, thanks to its shape and size. It stands out for its ability to withstand severe weather conditions and its ability to bend up to 5 degrees. The panel’s durability allows…

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    Flexible Solar Panel 100W-12V

    Κωδ. HM45099

    In stock

    Flexible Solar Panel 100W-12V The 100W -12V Flexible solar panel is lightweight and portable, making it ideal for applications with weight and space constraints. It efficiently powers 12V appliances including refrigerators, televisions, fans, LED lighting, depth sounders, and more. And it charges batteries that are of 80Ah and higher capacity. User-friendly It comes with a cable and MC4…

  • Solar flexible panel 135W – 12V

    Κωδ. HM46135

    In stock

    Solar flexible panel 135W – 12V Very sturdy and efficient. Resistant to weather conditions, salt and humidity. Suitable for low-load bearing surfaces that can’t support solar panels. You can step on them with rubber shoes. Designed for easy installation. It can bend by 5 degrees. Suitable for 100Ah batteries and over. Combined with the right…

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    Flexible Solar Panel 150W-12V

    Κωδ. HM45149

    In stock

    Flexible Solar Panel 150W-12V The Flexible Solar Panel 150W-12V is lightweight and portable, making it ideal for applications with weight and space constraints. It efficiently powers 12V appliances including refrigerators, televisions, fans, LED lighting, depth sounders, and more. It is ideal for charging batteries that are of 100Ah capacity and higher. User-friendly It comes with…

  • Flexible Solar Panel 150W-24V

    Κωδ. HM45152

    In stock

    Flexible Solar Panel 150W-24V The Flexible Solar Panel 150W-24V is designed for convenience and efficiency, perfect for situations where space is at a premium and every ounce counts. This versatile panel seamlessly powers 24V refrigerators, TVs, fans, LED lights, and GPS devices. It’s particularly well-suited for recharging batteries with capacities of 100Ah or more. With…

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    Flexible Solar Panel 200W-12V

    Κωδ. HM45200

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    Flexible Solar Panel 200W-12V The Flexible Solar Panel 200W – 12V is designed for convenience and efficiency, perfect for applications where there is limited or zero access to power grid. This versatile panel seamlessly powers 12V refrigerators, TVs, fans, LED lights, and GPS devices. It’s particularly well-suited for recharging batteries with capacities of 100Ah or…

  • Flexible Solar Panel 200W – 24V

    Κωδ. HM45201

    In stock

    Flexible Solar Panel 200W – 24V The most suitable solution for when autonomous power is necessary on a big scale and in situations with surface and weight limitations. Ideal for a boat, a camper and. It is long and slim and is easy to install. The Semi-Flexible Solar Panel 200W-24V is resistant to vibrations, falls,…

  • Solar flexible panel 210W – 24V

    Κωδ. HM462210

    In stock

    Solar flexible panel 210W – 24V The 210w – 24V solar flexible panel is exceptionally durable and of high performance. It’s built to endure all types of weather, as well as exposure to salt and humidity. This panel is perfect for areas that have space constraints and cannot hold standard solar panels. The solar panel…

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    Εύκαμπτος Φωτοβολταϊκός Συλλέκτης 270W – 24V (Διαστ. 1000 x 1355 x 2 mm)

    Κωδ. HM46270

    In stock

    • Κάμπτεται κατά 20°.
    • Ανθεκτικός στις καιρικές συνθήκες.
    • Κατάλληλος για αυτόνομα φωτοβολταϊκά συστήματα 24V.